It is our belief that all children learn differently.


Children are natural learners. If the environment is rich and full, children will naturally explore and create. At our program, we foster growth by providing experiences that are both fun and challenging. The Mosaic School has a warm homelike atmosphere where children feel safe, loved, and valued. We learn about ourselves and each other.

The Mosaic School uses enriching, natural materials to guide children through discovery. Each classroom has a quiet area for reflection or quiet reading. Toddler, Pre-school, and kindergarten are when children grasp that there is a world around them. 

Our curriculum is thematically based. We use different themes to teach our friends. At the beginning of the school year, we start with an “All About Me” theme. The teachers choose themes according to the interests of the children in their classroom.

Early Childhood is a time to have fun as you learn. We do not include holidays as part of our curriculum. We do incorporate special celebrations that include all our friends. Examples include Friendship Day, Silly Sock Day, Superhero Day, and our all-time favorite Field Day!

Social Responsibility

Learning about the world and how we impact it is a massive part of Mosaic. Our curriculum themes include topics to help our Mosaic friends make a difference and feel empowered. With the help of our friends, we hold annual food and gift drives. We study units on Friendship and animal care. Other examples of our themes include recycling, the human body, and Exploring nations.