Tuition is due on the 25th of every month prior to the month’s tuition. For example, November tuition is due on October 25th. Please place all payments in The Mosaic School mailbox on the Director’s office door.
Preschool Tuition (age 2.9 to 5)
4 days a week = $1,725 per month
5 days a week = $1,800 per month
*$1,000 Deposit
Toddler tuition (age 15 months to 2.9)
4 days per week = $2,000 per month
5 days per week = $2,100 per month
*$1,000 Deposit
Infant tuition (West roxbury only)
3 days per week= $1,900 per month
4 days per week= $2,200 per month
5 days per week= $2,400 per month
*$1,000 Deposit
Late Pick-Up Fee $6 first 5 minutes $3 each minute after.
Enrollment Procedure
Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are asked to fill out an application form with a one-time non-refundable application fee of $100.00 A one thousand dollars (non-refundable) deposit is required for enrollment along with all completed enrollment forms. This deposit will be applied to the last month’s tuition, provided that a one-month written notice of withdrawal has been received.